(via Never Lose Hope)
Yet another year has passed me by, even though I feel like just yesterday I was writing my 2011 New Year's Post. In retrospect, 2011 was a huge year for personal growth. I think we are all subconsciously aware of the simple truths of life, but sometimes it takes someone else to re-state the obvious. This could be in the form of an inspiring book, a conversation with a friend, or listening to your inner voice (the one that separates itself from all of the "shoulds" and "can'ts" of the world.) All of these things have contributed to a renewed sense of purpose over the course of the past year. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but I DO know that I want to be happier and feel a sense of fulfillment about what I do. If 2011 has taught me anything, it's that I must make it happen! Thomas Edison said "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." I need to remember those words when it comes to this blog and all of the creative projects I have lined up. Be unstoppable.
(via Weheartit)
In an effort to make more sound resolutions for this year, I have tried to make them measurable and achievable.
1. I will post at LEAST one new blog a week. Some of you may say, "only one? Isn't that setting the bar a bit low?" With my work schedule (and inconsistent posting schedule) I think making this goal achievable is best. If I manage more, fantastic, but my goal for now (with my work schedule) is one. Hopefully I can bump it up to 2 or 3 once I establish the habit.
2. I will continue down the path towards financial freedom/success by sticking to the budget we have created, learning more about finance, and seeking the advice of a financial adviser.
3. I will work out 3x a week. As with #1, if I do more, great, but if I can stick to at least 3, I will be happy (I know, I know, this resolution is being made en masse, but its a big one for me!) I will achieve this by waking up a little earlier in the morning to get a workout in, and setting mini-goals for myself. (First goal is January 15, my anniversary! Second is February 14, Valentines Day!)
4. I will study for and take the GRE.
5. I will apply to grad school to start my MBA.
6. I will make it to at least two nerdy conventions.
7. I will discover what makes me happy and pursue it with vigor!!
This song brought me into the new year via her live performance.
HAPPY 2012!!
HAPPY 2012!!
Question: What was your favorite moment of 2011?
You should make a totally rad web series show >_>